Privacy Policy

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Our Terms and Privacy Policy apply to the use of our app. Please read the Privacy Policy for the app you're using to learn more about its privacy practices.

Your personal information is a sensitive issue that must be handled carefully.

Welcome to our Anonymity Corner, which explains how numerous job seekers and employers share information while maintaining privacy.

This site was created to assist you in learning more about our beliefs, as well as how your data is exchanged between persons and organizations. It's critical that we make it available to legitimate users. Sharing data between sites allows us to:

  • Connect job seekers with employers.
  •  Connect entrepreneurs with investors.
  •  Constant Improvement on services.
  •  Support safety for our users.

The information provided here doesn’t change how each of the sites collects or shares your personal data. If you have specific questions about our site, we encourage you to visit that site’s help center for further information or email:

Privacy Values

We cherish the faith you invest in us, regardless of how we assist you with your job search. We make enormous investments to protect your data to keep that trust. Our privacy values guide us in our efforts: We provide a comprehensive set of worldwide privacy rights to all users. Any user has the right to request:

Access to their personal information to add or delete.

  • Erasure of their personal information.
  • Restricting threatened types of personal data processing.
  • We have a privacy-by-design policy that guides how we construct and operate our services.
  • We're open and honest about the types of personal information we gather and how we use it.
  • We ensure that the personal information we collect is largely used to assist our job seekers in marketing themselves, for employers in finding exceptional prospects, and to improve the services we provide to you.
  •  We only collect and store personal data that is appropriate, relevant, and essential.
  • Where applicable, we maintain your data correct and up to date.
  • We use suitable security and confidentiality when processing your data, and we demonstrate accountability and responsibility following existing privacy regulations.

We do not process your information or influence any employer or investor; instead, we make it available for companies or investors who may be looking for exceptional people to meet their corporate needs.

This allows us to receive feedback on the services we provide. It’s crucial to remember that without this data collecting and sharing, our sites wouldn't function properly. This includes processing, collecting, analyzing, storing, and sharing your data, including in real-time, between each other and with third-party service providers. All interactions and communications you have on our sites can be included in the data gathered. It could also specify when and how long each action takes place. If you do not want your activities to be collected, processed, analyzed, or shared in this way, you must opt-out because it is fundamental to how our sites work. Do NOT subscribe or delete your account NOW.